Saturday, August 15, 2009

Oooh Look! A Pretty Girl

Boy, she sure is pretty isn't she? I certainly got off the Asian push years ago and therefore, I doubt that I would accept a download from one of my friends who decides to send an image like this to me.

Would you have the ability to resist?

I think most would but there are a select few individuals who would continue to download the image of what they think may be a beautiful girl.

So, lets run through a scenario before I go explain this post.

You are a young guy who is about to leave for college. Got your new HP Netbook or laptop to go with all the essentials of moving into your dorm.

You get to school and unpack your room. You get everything set up on your desk and around the room and before you head out to the Freshman picnic, you log onto your email account and see that your buddy back home has sent you the file containing the picture above.

"Hot Asian girl... I love Asians," you think to yourself and you click on the link. You get the picture and hurriedly send it off to your friends.

A few weeks later at noon on a Tuesday (your only class is at 4pm (you totally scored that sweet time slot for the class)) your dorm phone rings and you roll over and answer it.

It's your mom... and boy is she pissed.

Somewhere over the course of the first three weeks of school used your credit card that your parents have linked to their account (it was for gas and emergencies only) to download $200 worth of music from itunes and you also subscribed to a handful of small porn sites.

What happened?

You were attacked by a Trojan Horse virus.

And according to an post by my friends over at The Dark Visitor, this was common back in the day in the form of the "Maritime Girl."

Read the post. It's good knowledge to pass on to your less web savvy friends who don't really know that the hot Asian is anything but.

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