Thursday, September 10, 2009

Web Comics: I Have Finally Given In.

I think this image says how me and many of my friends who are in school feel.

I finally found the urge to start writing a paper that I needed to have finished to pass, at 2am.

Same thing happened in graduate school. Huge project due? Psh, start researching the country and its government at 2am. No better way to do it.

So, imagine how surprised I was when I found a webcomic that dealt with the strife of being a student, especially in graduate education.

Piled Higher and Deeper
(PH. D) comics are amazingly written and has a cast of characters that you will likely encounter on a daily basis in your department or a study group.

Apart from a massive archive that goes back twelve years, there is also a store where you can buy merchandise related to your favorite characters. Or you pick up a shirt that expresses your genearl malaise for the graduate education process.

Those of you who read my blog consistently, you will know how much I love the sport of soccer. So, when I found a web comic for it back in June, I was highly excited.

Studs-Up is a witty insight into the players, the teams, and the random things that get done throughout the global game of soccer.

The archive for Studs only goes back to 2008 but it is still worth reading.

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